Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mutant Chronicles Warzone background info

Here's a little of the Warzone background for you.

It is the distant future, the Earth is a baron wasteland. Humanity has migrated to Venus, Mars, Mercury, Luna (the first settlement following the exodus from Earth), and the Asteroid Belt.

Over the centuries, the traditional nations of the world have merged into huge corporations, of which five are large enough to be called mega corporations: Bauhaus, they have a very Germanic feel, Capitol is American-influenced, Mishima has a Japanese theme, the British-inspired Imperial, and Cybertronic these guys have a very tech based theme complete with cyborgs and robots. Each Mega Corporation has it's own military.

Luna is considered to be neutral ground and is home to the massive city-state known as Luna City. The other two major power of this universe are the Brotherhood a fanatical religious organization, and the Cartel they are the watchdogs of the Corporations. The Cartel also formed the Doomtroopers; an elite force comprised of soldiers from all the Mega Corporations to fight the Dark Legion.

The discovery of the Dark Legion happened when mankind went exploring Nero, a fictional 10th planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, where they discovered a seemingly abandoned citadel. As they entered, the Imperial Conquistadors – a group of interplanetary explorers – accidentally broke the First Seal Of Repulsion, a thin ring of salt spread around the citadel. Inside, a mysterious iron plate was found, and as it was touched, the Dark Legion was brought to our dimension, and along with it, the Dark Symmetry.

Now onto gameplay.

Warzone is a Skirmish level Wargame it uses an alternating activation system instead of the IgoUgo that 40K uses. Each model may preform a number of actions based on it's unit profile. Actions include things like moving, shooting, climbing, throwing grenades.

Warzone has a more realistic feel compared to 40K. For example say your trooper has 3 actions; He can step out from behind a building, shoot the enemy, and them move back behind the building.

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